
Kids Play Nice...or No Butts on Ice!

A book of rhymes handed out to kindergarten classes across Maine are being criticized by some parents as inappropriate. "Schoolyard Rhymes" is a compilation of 50 verses included in bags given to 18,000 pupils through the Read With ME literacy project supported by Gov. John Baldacci and his wife.

His wife, who is a former kindergarten teacher, spearheads Maine Reads, the nonprofit umbrella organization for Read With ME that is funded by Verizon, the Bangor Daily News reported. The group receives no state money.
A few of the rhymes have raised some eyebrows. For example, one says, "Ladies and gentlemen, Take my advice, Pull down your pants And slide on the ice." Another one says, "Girls go to Mars to get candy bars. Boys go to Jupiter to get more stupider."

Thank goodness they couldn't figure out a rhyme for Uranus.
A mother of a 5-year-old son who goes to the McGraw School, said the book is "completely inappropriate.""It's rude. There are words in there that I don't allow in my house."
I don't know, this winter, I may just take that advice. Bare butts on ice... ooh that's nice.


At 9/22/2006 2:18 AM, Anonymous Anonymous articulated...

Just keep this in mind - it's a natural relief for those corn cob sores. No need to buy Tucks.

At 9/22/2006 3:31 AM, Blogger Dave articulated...

How true how true! LOL


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