
Get the "Scoop on Poop" and Take the GT News Quiz

Would you give a crap if I told you there's an exhibit, co-created by Chad Peeling, called "The Scoop on Poop" at the Miami Zoo, and that it may be coming to a city near you?

Would you take a crap if I told you it was an educational exhibit showing pictures of animals taking dumps--and it's suitable for the whole family?

Would you say I'm full of crap if I created a poo test just for you?

Well I made! And here it is. So take a squat and let 'er rip!

Post your answers... and don't forget to wash your hands after you finish!

1. This fossilized feces is actually called a coprolite or fecal pellet. Most do not exceed 4 cm or about 1.5 inches in length. Get this one right and you really know your shit.
A. It's from a Velociraptor's ass
B. It's definitely shark shit
C. A pterodactyl let this one fly
D. I don't give a crap

2. Can you kooky kids catagorize this crazy crustacean crap correctly?
A. I think it's crawdad crud. Definitely crawdad crud.
B. I've seen this before at my local Red Lobster restaurant. It's lobster crap for sure.
C. Holy hermit crap Batman! It's hermit crab crap!
D. You're a sick man.

3. Does a bear shit in the woods? Sure it does, and as evidenced by this mess, so does this woodland creature.
A. Elementary, my dear Watson. It's deer droppings.
B. That's possum poo. I'd recognize it anywhere.
C. I'm a wildlife rehabilitator, and I'm positive that's squirrel poop.
D. You're lower than snake shit. I'm outta here!

4. This one is hard (at least it won't stick to your shoe).
A. I went to college at the University of Houston, fool. That's cougar crap! Go Cougars!
B. Call me odd, but I have a funny feeling that came out of a wombat anus.
C. The color and texture are a dead giveaway! It's dog crap!
D. You're full of shit, that's fake poo!

5. This animal had a really big meal recently, then had to scat. Name it.
A. I'm not shitting you. That's racoon shit.
B. The moose is loose! But his stool isn't. It's actually quite firm.
C. Everything will come out OK if that's Armadillo excrement.
D. This shit is for the birds. Later.

6. If you've come this far, you're as sick as I am, or you really like this crap.
A. I can practically taste this one! That was left by a lemur.
B. Don't badger me, and don't badger poop me either.
C. Caribou poo. How do you do do?
D. I'm tired of all your crap.

7. The color alone should give you the drop on these droppings.
A. Easy. Giant panda poo!
B. Sheesh... that's Sloth shit if ever was a shit.
C. You sack of sheep shit, it's sheep shit. Say that thrice!
D. You're a chicken shit and I'm going to kick the crap outta you!

8. Stick your neck out and guess what animal left this mess.
A. I see. It's sea turtle turds.
B. I was a camel jockey back in Saudi Arabia, and I know camel crud when I see it.
C. I could be wrong, but that looks a lot like giraffe shit.
D. This crap is a real pain in the neck.

9. In some places, this shit is actually a delicacy.
A. Yum, that's alligator crap!
B. You're batty! Thats a big plate of bat guano.
C. I'll pass on the baboon poo poo platter!
D. That's General Tso's Chicken you shithead!


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